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TitelAnna Seghers : the challenge of history
Verantwortlichedited by Helen Fehervary, Christiane Zehl Romero, Amy Kepple Strawser
Sonstige Fehervary, Helen | Strawser, Amy Kepple | Zehl Romero, Christiane
Publikationstyp Buch
AnmerkungenIncludes index | "Anna Seghers: The Challenge of History features essays by leading scholars devoted to this most important German writer whose novels and stories have been read by millions worldwide. The volume is intended for teachers and students of literature and for general readers. The contributions address facets of Seghers's large body of work which is characterized by reflections on political events shaping world history and written in a highly imaginative array of narrative styles. The first section focuses on the author's famous novel The Seventh Cross. Articles in the next two sections analyze her reactions to crises that marked the twentieth century and her connections to other relevant thinkers of her time. The last section features new translations of Seghers's works | Erscheint auch als Online-Ausgabe
ISBN978-90-04-40962-0 | 90-04-40962-9 | 978-900-440-981-1
UmfangXX, 368 Seiten : Illustrationen
Erschienen alsGerman monitor, Band volume 80
Raumsystematik Einzelne Landkreise, Verbandsgemeinden, Orte und Ortsteile > Mainz, Kreisfreie Stadt |
Sachsystematik Schriftstellerin. Schriftsteller / Sekundärliteratur |
Schlagwörter Seghers, Anna / 1900-1983 | 73
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