Titel | From humble beginnings come great painters : with regard to art history, there is nothing that connects Anselm Feuerbach with Hans Purrmann; with regard to their biographies, however, they have much in common : both were born in Speyer ... |
Verantwortlich | Annika Wind | Manfred Rinderspacher |
Illustrator/in | Rinderspacher, Manfred |
Verfasser/in | Wind, Annika |
Publikationstyp | Aufsatz |
Erschienen |
Umfang | Online-Ressource |
Quelle | In: Where else : stories from the Rhine-Neckar Region. - (2017), |
Raumsystematik |
Einzelne Landkreise, Verbandsgemeinden, Orte und Ortsteile
Speyer, Kreisfreie Stadt
Sachsystematik |
Malerin. Maler
| |
Schlagwörter |
Feuerbach, Anselm / 1829-1880
Feuerbachhaus / Speyer | Online-Ressource | Purrmann, Hans / 1880-1966 | Biografie | Online-Ressource | Purrmann-Haus / Speyer | Online-Ressource | |
Volltext | http://wosonst.eu/en/from-humble-beginnings-come-great-painters/ |
Link | wosonst.eu |