Titel | Ravages to riches : Mosel wine's long nineteenth century |
Verantwortlich | by Kevin Goldberg, Ph. D. |
Verfasser/in | Goldberg, Kevin |
Publikationstyp | Aufsatz |
Erschienen |
Quelle | Mosel wine : in praise of Mosel wine : a translation of Karl Heinrich Koch's 1897 tribute, with its significance in his time and ours / Karl Heinrich Koch | foreword by David Schildknecht | edited by Lars Carlberg. - First edition, revised. - Thatcham : DolmanScott, 2022. - ISBN: 978-1-915351-00-5. - Seite 51-55 |
Raumsystematik |
Landschaften in Rheinland-Pfalz
Sachsystematik |
Weinbau / Geschichte
| Weinbaugebiet | |
Schlagwörter |
Mosel / Weinbaugebiet
Geschichte 1801-1900