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TitelA mirror of the duchy of Nassau or an historical guide to the brunnens of Wiesbaden, Ems, Schwalbach, Schlangenbad, Selters, Soden and Weilbach : with a tour along the banks of the Rhine and Lahn and "excursions" to Mentz, Limbourg, Dietz, Selters and Hombourg ; to wich are prefixed observations on its history, antiquities and present state
Alternativer TitelMirror of Nassau
Verantwortlichby W. Phelps
Verfasser/in Phelps, William
Publikationstyp Buch
Erschienen 1842
Umfang288 S. : Ill., Kt.
Raumsystematik Historische Territorien und Gebiete > Staat Nassau |
Schlagwörter Staat Nassau | Führer | 2