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TitelAnalyses of cross-section and equipment variations of single rural roads to improve traffic safety examplified on the federal highway B 49 in the valley of Lahn [Elektronische Ressource]
Alternativer TitelAnalyses of cross-section and equipment variations of single rural roads to improve traffic safety examplified on the federal highway B 49 in the valley of Lahn
Herausgebendes Organ Technische Universität Darmstadt. Fachbereich Bauingenieurwesen und Geodäsie
Verfasser/in Unger, Sabine
Publikationstyp Buch
Erschienen 2001
Anmerkungenedoweb - Rheinland-pfälzischer Archivserver für elektronische Dokumente und Websites | In parallel to higher traffic intensity and speed the requirements imposed on streets in the Federal Republic of Germany increased. In particular highly frequented single rural rods often cannot meet the demands. Traffic saftey and capacity are the most important assessment criteria. In this context the question of how accident occurrence of single rural roads can be influenced positively is the focus of attention: The accident occurrence of those roads is mainly characterized by grave accidents as a result of driver errors due to inappropriate speed or accidents in lengthwise caused by conflicts with cars driving ahead or during overtaking. In the same way grave are the aftereffects of head-on collisions and run off the road accidents. The aim of this study is to develop measures that improve traffic saftey of single rural roads by means of reduced section accidents. Exemplified on the federal highway B 49 in Hesse the effect of structural and/or operational measures on the reduction
Raumsystematik Landschaften in Rheinland-Pfalz > Lahntal |
Sachsystematik Verkehr allgemein |
Schlagwörter Lahntal | Bundesstraße 49 | Verkehrssicherheit
Volltext urn:nbn:de:hbz:929:02-edoweb:14759