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511 Treffer — zeige 101 bis 125:

Land der Maare, Geysire und schlafenden Vulkane Lauterbach, Manuel; Kumerics, Christine 2015

Geo-education and geopark implementation in the Vulkaneifel European Geopark Bitschene, Peter René; Schüller, Andreas 2015

Vulkanismus in der Eifel Meschede, Martin 2015

Role of volatiles (S, Cl, H2O) and silica activity on the crystallization of haüyne and nosean in phonolitic magmas (Eifel, Germany and Saghro, Morocco) Baudouin, Céline; Parat, Fleurice 2015

Mixed deposits of simultaneous strombolian and phreatomagmatic volcanism : Rothenberg volcano, east Eifel volcanic field Houghton, Bruce F.; Schmincke, Hans-Ulrich / 1937- 2015

Vulkanismus in der Eifel - Bericht von der Studienfahrt der POLLICHIA-Gruppe Landau Geiger, Michael / 1941-; Schmidkonz, Bertram 2015

High-resolution 3D analyses of the shape and internal constituents of small volcanic ash particles : the contribution of SEM micro-computed tomography (SEM micro-CT) Vonlanthen, Pierre 2015

Calcinaksite, KNaCa(Si4O10) H2O, a new mineral from the Eifel volcanic area, Germany Chukanov, Nikita V.; Aksenov, Sergey M.; Rastsvetaeva, Ramiza K.; Blaß, Günter; Varlamov, Dmitry A.; Pekov, Igor V.; Belakovskiy, Dmitry I.; Gurzhiy, Vladislav V. 2015

Eifel maars : quantitative shape characterization of juvenile ash particles (Eifel Volcanic Field, Germany) Rausch, Juanita; Grobéty, Bernard; Vonlanthen, Pierre 2015

Land der Maare, Geysire und schlafenden Vulkane Lauterbach, Manuel; Kumerics, Christine 2014

Vulkanismus im Rotliegend des Saar-Nahe-Beckens in der Nordpfalz : (Exkursion L am 26. April 2014) | = Volcanism in the Lower Permian Rotliegend of the Saar-Nahe Basin in northern Palatinat/SW Germany Haneke, Jost / 1950-; Lorenz, Volker / 1941- 2014

Vulkanausbruch in Deutschland! : Was wäre wenn? : Schüler werden zum Krisenmanager und entwickeln Evakuierungspläne Meisinger, Philipp; Wittlich, Christian 2014

Characterisation of Andosols from Laacher See tephra by wet-chemical and spectroscopic techniques (FTIR, 27Al-, 29Si-NMR) Rennert, Thilo 2014

Structure of calcinaksite KNa[Ca(H2O)][Si4Ol0], the first hydrous member of the litidionite group of silicates with [Si8O20]8- tubes Aksenov, Sergey M.; Rastsvetaeva, Ramiza K.; Chukanov, Nikita V.; Kolitsch, Uwe 2014

Lateglacial to Holocene rapid crater infilling of a MIS 2 maar volcano (West-Eifel Volcanic Field, Germany) : environmental history and geomorphological feedback mechanisms Houben, Peter 2013

Multi-proxy dating of Holocene maar lakes and Pleistocene dry maar sediments in the Eifel, Germany Sirocko, Frank 2013

Early volcanological research in the Vulkaneifel, Germany, the classic region of maar-diatreme volcanoes: the years 1774-1865 Lutz, Herbert; Lorenz, Volker / 1941- 2013

Belebend, zerstörend, konservierend - die Wirkung von Vulkanismus auf die belebte Umwelt Schindler, Thomas 2013

Indications for the existence of different magmatic reservoirs beneath the Eifel area (Germany) : a multi-isotope (C, N, He, Ne, Ar) approach Bräuer, Karin 2013

Tracing the Laacher See Tephra in the varved sediment record of the Trzechowskie palaeolake in central Northern Poland Wulf, Sabine 2013

Klimatische Auswirkungen auf das Hochmoor "Strohner Määrchen" Hayer, Nicolas 2013

Evidence of dehydration in peridotites from Eifel Volcanic Field and estimates of the rate of magma ascent Denis, Carole M.M; Demouchy, Sylvie; Shaw, Cliff S. J. 2013

Topography of the lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary below the Upper Rhine Graben Rift and the volcanic Eifel region, Central Europe Seiberlich, C. K. A.; Ritter, Joachim R. R. / 1963-; Wawerzinek, Britta 2013

Revision of the crystal structure and chemical formula of Schüllerite, Na2Ba2Mg2Ti2(Si2O7)2O2F2, from the Eifel Volcanic region, Germany Sokolova, Elena; Hawthorne, Frank C.; Abdu, Yassir A. 2013

Medien schüren unnötig die Furcht vor Vulkanausbrüchen 2012

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