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78 Treffer — zeige 26 bis 50:

Mineraliensammeln in der Eifel Schüller, Willi / 1955- 2008

Edelsteine der Eifel Locker, Heinrich 2008

Eifel, Westerwald Betz, Volker 2007

Laacher See revisited : high-spatial-resolution zircon dating indicates rapid formation of a zoned magma chamber Schmitt, Axel Karl / 1968- 2006

Aachener Revier, Nordeifel und Vulkaneifel Wittern, Artur 2005

The origin of glasses in hydrous mantle xenoliths from the West Eifel, Germany : incongruent break down of amphibole Ban, Masao 2005

Regional variations in the mineralogy of metasomatic assemblages in mantle xenoliths from the West Eifel Volcanic Field, Germany Shaw, Cliff S. J. 2005

Structure and dynamics of the Laacher See magma chamber (Eifel, Germany) from major and trace element zoning in sanidine: a cathodoluminescence and electron microprobe study Ginibre, Catherine; Wörner, Gerhard; Kronz, Andreas 2004

Lithospheric mantle evolution beneath the Eifel (Germany) : constraints from SrΦNdΦPb isotopes and trace element abundances in spinel peridotite and pyroxenite xenoliths Witt-Eickschen, Gudrun 2003

Highly siderophile elements (PGE, Re and Au) in mantle xenoliths from the West Eifel volcanic field (Germany) Schmidt, Gerhard 2003

Os isotopes in mantle xenoliths from the Eifel volcanic field and the Vogelsberg (Germany) : age constraints on the lithospheric mantle Schmidt, Gerhard; Snow, Jonathan 2002

40Ar/39Ar ages of sanidine phenocrysts from Laacher See Tephra (12,900 yr BP) : chronostratigraphic and petrological significance Bogaard, Paul van den 2002

Batiferrite, Ba[Ti2Fe10]O19 : a new ferrimagnetic magnetoplumbite-type mineral from the Quaternary volcanic rocks of the western Eifel area, Germany Lengauer, Christian L.; Tillmanns, Ekkehart; Hentschel, Gerhard 2001

Gem-Quality Haüyne from the Eifel District, Germany Kiefert, Lore; Hänni, Henry A. 2000

Achate aus der Eifel Werle, Otmar 2000

Siderite precipitation in Paleogene maar lakes of Central Europa | = Sideritgenese in Paläogenen Maarseen Mitteleuropas Felder, Marita; Gaupp, Reinhard; 036-990927b 2000

Origin of megacrysts in the mafic alkaline lavas of the West Eifel volcanic field, Germany Shaw, Cliff S. J.; Eyzaguirre, Jimena 2000

Zirconolite with significant REEZrNb(Mn,Fe)O7 from a xenolith of the Laacher See eruptive center, Eifel volcanic region, Germany Della Ventura, Giancarlo; Bellatreccia, Fabio; Williams, Terry 2000

Hauyn aus der Eifel : ein attraktiver Edelstein | = Haüyne from the Eifel Kiefert, Lore 2000

Density contrast of fluid inclusions associated with melt (glass) from two distinct suites of mantle peridotites from the West Eifel, Germany : implications for melt origin Witt-Eickschen, Gudrun; Klemd, Reiner; Seck, Hans Adolf 1998

Evidence for the multiple stage evolution of the subcontinental lithospheric mantle beneath the Eifel (Germany) from pyroxenite and composite pyroxenite/peridotite xenoliths Witt-Eickschen, Gudrun; Kramm, Ulrich 1998

Die Edelsteine der Eifel | = The gemstones of the Eifel Henn, Ulrich / 1957-; Bank, Hermann / 1928-2019 1998

De Eifel : vulkanen en mineralen Stemvers-van Bemmel, Joke 1997

X-ray powder diffraction data of hauyne with incommensurate modulated structure from volcanic rocks of Laacher Lake, Germany Sapozhnikov, A. N. 1997

Origin of sulfide blebs in variably metasomatized mantle xenoliths, Quaternary West Eifel volcanic field, Germany Shaw, Cliff S. J. 1997

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