33 Treffer — zeige 6 bis 30:

Late Oligocene ambient temperatures reconstructed by stable isotope analysis of terrestrial and aquatic vertebrate fossils of Enspel, Germany Tütken, Thomas; Absolon, Julia 2015

Bacteria or melanosomes? : a geochemical analysis of micro-bodies on a tadpole from the Oligocene Enspel Formation of Germany Barden, Holly E. 2015

The salamandrid "Chelotriton paradoxus" from Enspel and Randeck Maars (Oligocene - Miocene, Germany) Schoch, Rainer R.; Poschmann, Markus; Kupfer, Alexander 2015

Avian pellets from the late Oligocene of Enspel, Germany : ecological interactions in deep time Smith, Krister T.; 036-990927b 2015

Preliminary note on fossil flowers and inflorescences from the late Oligocene of Enspel (Westerwald, W-Germany) Uhl, Dieter 2015

A new skeleton of the late Oligocene "Enspel cormorant" : from "Oligocorax" to "Borvocarbo" , and back again Mayr, Gerald 2015

Wälder wie in Ostasien - der Westerwald vor 25 Millionen Jahren Uhl, Dieter 2015

The Fossil-Lagerstätte Enspel : a crater lake in a volcanicinfluenced terrestrial environment of the Westerwald Basin (late Oligocene, Western Germany) 036-990927b; Schindler, Thomas; Smith, Krister T. 2015

Plant-insect interactions in the upper Oligocene of Enspel (Westerwald, Germany), including an extended mathematical framework for rarefaction Gunkel, Simon; Wappler, Torsten 2015

Four-dimensional virtopsy and the taphonomy of a mole from the Oligocene of Lake Enspel (Germany) Mähler, Bastian 2015

A partial skeleton of the eomyid Eomyodon volkeri Engesser, 1987 (Mammalia: Rodentia) from the late Oligocene Fossil-Lagerstätte of Enspel, Germany Engler, Thomas; Martin, Thomas 2015

Revision der Flora aus den oberoligozänen Seeablagerungen von Orsberg bei Unkel am Rhein (Rheinland-Pfalz, Deutschland) Winterscheid, Heinrich; Kvacek, Zlatko 2014

Paläobotanische Problematika aus dem Oberoligozän von Enspel (Westerwald, Rheinland-Pfalz, W-Deutschland) Uhl, Dieter 2014

Eine Bachschildkröte (Testudines: Geoemydidae) aus dem Oberoligozän von Enspel (Westerwald, Rheinland-Pfalz) Karl, Hans-Volker; Wettlaufer, Michaela 2011

First finding of fish in the diet of a water-dwelling extinct frog Palaeobatrachus from Upper Oligocene Fossil-Lagerstätte Enspel (Westerwald Mountains, Western Germany) | [Sonderdr.] 036-990927b; Poschmann, Markus 2010

Fossil-Lagerstätte Enspel : a short review of current knowledge, the fossil association, and a bibliography | [Sonderdr.] Poschmann, Markus; Schindler, Thomas; Uhl, Dieter 2010

Geology and limnology of the Enspel Formation (Chattian, Oligocene; Westerwald, Germany) Schindler, Thomas; 036-990927b 2010

Fossil insects from the Late Oligocene Enspel Lagerstätte and their palaeobiogeographic and palaeoclimatic significance Wedmann, Sonja; Poschmann, Markus; Hörnschemeyer, Thomas 2010

A Loon leg (Aves, Gaviidae) with crocodilian tooth from the Late Oligocene of Germany Mayr, Gerald; Poschmann, Markus 2009

Köcherfliegen-Larvengehäuse (Trichoptera: Integripalpia) aus der Enspel-Formation (Oberoligozän) des Westerwaldes Poschmann, Markus 2006

Geochemical cycles recorded in Late Oliogocene lake sediments of the Kärlicher Blauton (Neuwied Basin, Germany) : a response to climate? Hofmann, Peter; Urbat, Michael; Hensel, Andreas 2005

The ontogenetic development of Pelobates cf. decheni tadpoles from the Upper Oligocene of Enspel (Westerwald/Germany) Maus, Michael; 036-990927b 2004

Einsatzmöglichkeiten des Dental-Pulverstrahlers EMS-Airflow S1 in der Präparation Drobek, Mario; Poschmann, Markus; Maus, Michael 2003

Eine palynologische Analyse der Bohrung Enspel : Rekonstruktion der Vegetations- und Klimageschichte im Oberoligozän ; erste Ergebnisse Herrmann, Mark 2003

Age model for the late Oligocene Kärlich Blauton of the Neuwied Basin, Germany Hofmann, Peter 2003

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