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981 Treffer — zeige 51 bis 75:

Tracking the impact of mid- to late Holocene climate change and anthropogenic activities on Lake Holzmaar using an updated Holocene chronology Prasad, Sushma; Baier, Janina / 1971- 2014

Kulturlandschaft Mosel : zum Titelbild der Rheinischen Heimatpflege Hoff, Elisabeth von den 2014

Über altertiäre fluviatile Abflusswege in der Eifel Ribbert, Karl-Heinz 2014

Der papillatum-Schill und die Kirchberg-Bank (Sulzheim-Formation, Rupelium, Oligozän) am locus typicus in Hackenheim (Rheinhessen, Südwest-Deutschland): Stratigraphische Positionierung und biofazielle Interpretation Schindler, Thomas; Nungesser, Kai / 1978- 2014

Sedimentationsgeschichte und Stratigraphie der tertiären Ablagerungen im südlichen Mainzer Becken : (Exkursion E am 24. April 2014) | = Depositional history and stratigraphy of the tertiary deposits in the southern Mainz Basin Schäfer, Peter / 1951- 2014

Lateglacial to Holocene rapid crater infilling of a MIS 2 maar volcano (West-Eifel Volcanic Field, Germany) : environmental history and geomorphological feedback mechanisms Houben, Peter 2013

Ascospores of the parasitic fungus Kretzschmaria deusta as rainstorm indicators during a late Holocene beech-forest phase around lake Meerfelder Maar, Germany Geel, Bas van 2013

Multi-proxy dating of Holocene maar lakes and Pleistocene dry maar sediments in the Eifel, Germany Sirocko, Frank 2013

Evaluation of flood events in three Eifel maar sediment records during the 16th century B. C. Rothacker, Leo; Sirocko, Frank 2013

Dating bulk sediments from limnic deposits using grain-size approach Rothacker, Leo; Dreves, Alexander; Sirocko, Frank; Grootes, Pieter M.; Nadeau, Marie-Josée 2013

The Antiquity of the Rhine River: Stratigraphic Coverage of the Dinotheriensande (Eppelsheim Formation) of the Mainz Basin (Germany) Böhme, Madelaine 2012

Rotliegend in Eifel und West-Hunsrück Stets, Johannes / 1932-2015 2012

A combined pollen and d18O Sphagnum record of mid-Holocene climate variability from Dürres Maar (Eifel, Germany) Kühl, Norbert; Moschen, Robert 2012

Lithostratigraphische Korrelation des Rotliegend im östlichen Saar-Nahe-Becken | = Lithostratigraphic correlation of the Rotliegend in the eastern Saar-Nahe Basin Becker, Arnfried / 1954-; Schwarz, Michael; Schäfer, Andreas 2012

Rotliegend im Saar-Nahe-Becken, am Taunus-Südrand und im nördlichen Oberrheingraben Boy, Jürgen A. / 1938- 2012

Rhine loess at Schwalbenberg II - MIS 4 and 3 Schirmer, Wolfgang 2012

Die Pechelbronn-Gruppe in Bad Kreuznach (Eozän-Oligozän; Mainzer Becken, Südwest-Deutschland) Schindler, Thomas 2011

Regionale Biostratigraphie Grimm, Kirsten I. / 1965- 2011

Luminescence chronology of the Schwalbenberg II Loess in the Middle Rhine Valley Frechen, Manfred; Schirmer, Wolfgang 2011

Palaeocladocerans as indicators of environmental, cultural and archaeological developments in Eifel maar lakes region (West Germany) during the Lateglacial and Holocene periods Kattel, Giri; Sirocko, Frank 2011

The potential of dust detection by means of µXRF scanning in Eifel maar lake sediments Dietrich, Stephan; Sirocko, Frank 2011

IRSL signals from maar lake sediments stimulated at various temperatures Schmidt, Esther Dorothe / 1979- 2011

Comparison of modeled and reconstructed changes in forest cover through the past 8000 years : Eurasian perspective Kleinen, Thomas 2011

The reconstruction of easterly wind directions for the Eifel region (Central Europe) during the period 40.3-12.9 ka BP Dietrich, Stephan; Seelos, Klemens 2010

A multiproxy record of late Holocene natural and anthropogenic environmental change from the Sphagnum peat bog Dürres Maar, Germany : implications for quantitative climate reconstructions based on pollen Kühl, Norbert 2010

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