104 Treffer — zeige 51 bis 75:

A Pennsylvania German text-work book : art, language, music, culture | 5. print. Thierwechter, Lee R. 2001

"Hiwwe wie driwwe" zu Hause : Michael Werners Zeitung in Mundart verbindet Pfälzer in Amerika und Deutschland Bayer, Jens 2001

Bucks County fraktur Amsler, Cory M.; Alderfer, Joel D.; Bucks County Historical Society 2001

"Of the most ignorant stupid sort of their own nation" : perceptions of the Pennsylvania Germans in eigthteenth and twentieth centuries Kopp, Achim 2000

A plain difference: Variation in case-marking in a Pennsylvania German speaking community Keiser, Steven Hartman 1999

The role of English in Pennsylvania German development: Best supporting actress? Fuller, Janet M. 1999

Besuch bei alteingesessenen pfälzischen Mennoniten in Kanada Weber, Gertrud 1999

Religiöse Identität und Gesangbuch : zur Ideologiegeschichte deutschsprachiger Einwanderer in den USA und die Auseinandersetzung um das "richtige" Gesangbuch | 1. ed. Holzapfel, Otto 1998

Finding a context for Mennonite History: Pennsylvania German Ethnicity and the (Old) Mennonite Experience : the author examines the wider Pennsylvania German cultural and religious world of the 1700s and 1800s ... Nolt, Steven M. 1998

When cultural maintenance means linguistic convergence: Pennsylvania German evidence for the matrix language turnover hypothesis Fuller, Janet M. 1996

In days gone by : folklore and traditions of the Pennsylvania Dutch Kirchner, Audrey Burie; Tassia, Margaret R. 1996

Man spricht noch Deitsh : Pfälzer in Pennsylvania Holzhausen, Andreas 1995

The Thomas R. Brendle Collection of Pennsylvania German folklore Beam, C. Richard; Brendle, Thomas R. 1995

Is Pennsylvania German still a palatinate-based dialect of German? Raith, Joachim 1994

Sociolinguistic parallels between the Mennonite speakers of Pennsylvania German (or Pennsylfaanisch) and of Plautdietsch Kloss, Heinz / 1904-1987 1989

Convergence and language death: the case of Pennsylvania German Huffines, Marion Lois 1989

Syntactic variation and change in Pennsylvania German Louden, Mark Laurence 1989

The lexicography of Palatinate German: its relevance for Pennsylvania German research Post, Rudolf / 1944- 1989

Keeping Dutch: linguistic heterogeneity and the maintenance of Pennsylvania German in two Old Order Amish communities Johnson-Weiner, Karen M. 1989

Rules of speaking an their mediation: the case of the Old Order Amish (OOA) Enninger, Werner / 1931-2016; Hostetler, John A.; Raith, Joachim; Wandt, Karl-Heinz 1989

Innovations increasing syntactic complexity in the native language of bilingual children from 5 to 10 : the case for Pennsylvania German Costello, John R. 1989

The nature and scope of changes in the Pennsylvania German of two multi-generational kin networks: the noun phrase Dorian, Nancy C. 1989

The pronunciation of Amish High German Raith, Joachim; Lehmann, Uwe 1989

L1 interference in written L2: a comparison between the Pennsylvania German and Koine Greek situations Watt, Jonathan M. / 1957- 1989

Chiasmus, structural symmetry, and nonverbal communication: toward an understanding of the Old Order Amish Gemee Dow, James R. / 1946- 1989

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