96 Treffer — zeige 51 bis 75:

Tektogenese und Mineralisation im Rheinischen Schiefergebirge Grabert, Hellmut / 1920-2000 1994

Strain partitioning across a fold and thrust belt : the Rhenish Massif, Mid-European Varisciedes Dittmar, Uwe 1994

Laminated veins and hydrothermal breccia as markers of low-angle faulting, Rhenish Massif, Germany De Roo, Jacob A.; Weber, Klaus / 1936-2010 1992

Results of the DEKORP 1 (BELCORP-DEKORP) deep seismic reflection studies in the western part of the Rhenish Massif Anderle, Hans-Jürgen / 1939-2012; Bittner, Ralf Marius / 1955-; Bortfeld, Reinhard 1991

Beiträge zur Mikropaläontologie des Devons im Rheinischen Schiefergebirge Langer, Wolfhart 1991

Neotectonics and geomorphology in the Rhenish Massif and the Hessian Basin Semmel, Arno 1991

Die Geburt einer Landschaft : das Rheinische Schiefergebirge - einst ein flaches Hügelland ; fünf Terrassenniveaus ; der Vallendar-Fluß Zimmer, Martina 1991

Results of deep-Seismic reflection investigations in the Rhenish Massif DEKORP Research Group 1990

Wide-angle vibroseis data from the western Rhenish Massif Flueh, Ernst R. / 1953-; Klaeschen, Dirk; Meißner, Rolf / 1925-2014; DEKORP Research Group 1990

Ist die Wittlicher Rotliegend-Senke (Rheinisches Schiefergebirge) ein "pull-apart" Becken? Stets, Johannes / 1932-2015 1990

Geologische und geomagnetische Untersuchungen am Pfahlberg, einem quartären Vulkan im rechtsrheinischen Schiefergebirge Krämer, Ralph 1989

Aspects of the reconstruction of the stress history of a fold and thrust belt (Rhenish Massif, Federal Republic of Germany) Oncken, Onno 1988

Alkalibasaltische Intrusionen im Devon der Lahnmulde (südliches Rheinisches Schiefergebirge) Nesbor, H. Dieter; Flick, Heiner 1988

Seismic refraction investigations of crust and uppermost mantle structure beneath the Rhenish Massif Mechie, Jim; Prodehl, Claus / 1936-; Fuchs, Karl / 1932-2021 1985

Regional tectonic setting and geological structure of the Rhenish Massif Murawski, Hans 1983

Pre-quarternary uplift in the central part of the Rhenish Massif Meyer, Wilhelm 1983

Relation of geophysical and petrological models of upper mantle structure of the Rhenish Massif Fuchs, Karl / 1932-2021; Wedepohl, Karl Hans 1983

Historical seismicity and present-day microearthquake acitivity of the Rhenish Massif, Central Europe Ahorner, Ludwig 1983

Stress field and strain release in the Rhenish Massif Baumann, Horst; Illies, Henning / 1924-1982 1983

Microearthquake activity near the southern border of the Rhenish Massif Baier, B.; Wernig, J. 1983

The long-range seismic refraction experiment in the Rhenish Massif Mechie, Jim; Prodehl, Claus / 1936-; Fuchs, Karl / 1932-2021 1983

Electrical conductivity structure of the crust and upper mantle beneath the Rhenish Massif Jödicke, Hartmut 1983

Mantle xenoliths in the Rhenish Massif and the northern hessian depression Seck, Hans Adolf; Wedepohl, Karl Hans 1983

Relation of geophysical and petrological models of upper mantle structure of the Rhenish Massif Neugebauer, H. J.; Woidt, W.-D.; Wallner, H. 1983

Waren Teile des Rheinischen Schiefergebirges im Tertiär vom Meer überflutet? Sonne, Volker 1982

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