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52 Treffer — zeige 1 bis 25:

Melting and metasomatism in West Eifel and Siebengebirge Sub-Continental Lithospheric Mantle: Evidence from concentrations of volatiles in fluid inclusions and petrology of ultramafic xenoliths Rizzo, Andrea Luca 2021

Mass transfer and fluid evolution in late-metamorphic veins, Rhenish Massif (Germany) : insight from alteration geochemistry and fluid-mineral equilibria modeling Marsala, Achille; Wagner, Thomas 2016

Major geochemical characteristics of geothermal brines from the Upper Rhine Graben granitic basement with constraints on temperature and circulation Sanjuan, Bernard; Millot, Romain; Innocent, Christophe; Dezayes, Chrystel; Scheiber, Julia; Brach, Michel 2016

Chondritic xenon in the Earth's mantle Caracausi, Antonio; Avice, Guillaume; Burnard, Peter G.; Füri, Evelyn; Marty, Bernard 2016

Mineralogy and mineral chemistry of detrital heavy minerals from the Rhine river in Germany as evidence to their provenance, sedimentary and depositional history: focus on platinum-group minerals and remarks on cassiterite, columbite-group minerals and uraninite Oberthür, Thomas; Melcher, Frank; Goldmann, Simon; Wotruba, Hermann; Gerdes, Axel / 1964-; Dijsktra, Arjan; Dale, Christopher W. 2016

Copper isotope behavior during extreme magma differentiation and degassing : a case study on Laacher See phonolite tephra (East Eifel, Germany) Huang, Jian; Liu, Sheng-Ao; Wörner, Gerhard; Yu, Huimin; Xiao, Yilin 2016

Die Ruhe nach dem Sturm : Heckenmünster ist Schauplatz einer wichtigen wissenschaftlichen Entdeckung - Spuren hinterlassen hat diese jedoch nicht Froschauer, Adrian 2016

Tracking the impact of mid- to late Holocene climate change and anthropogenic activities on Lake Holzmaar using an updated Holocene chronology Prasad, Sushma; Baier, Janina / 1971- 2014

D/H ratios of methoxyl groups of the sedimentary organic matter of Lake Holzmaar (Eifel, Germany) : a potential palaeoclimate/-hydrology proxy Anhäuser, Tobias 2014

A 2600-year record of past polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) deposition at Holzmaar (Eifel, Germany) Bandowe, Benjamin Acham Musa / 1976- 2014

Characterisation of Andosols from Laacher See tephra by wet-chemical and spectroscopic techniques (FTIR, 27Al-, 29Si-NMR) Rennert, Thilo 2014

Late-metamorphic veins record deep ingression of meteoric water : a LA-ICPMS fluid inclusion study from the fold-and-thrust belt of the Rhenish Massif, Germany Marsala, Achille; Wagner, Thomas; Wälle, Markus 2013

Geochemical provenance analyses of Roman lava millstones north of the Alps : a study of their distribution and implications for the beginning of Roman lava quarrying in the Eifel region (Germany) Gluhak, Tatjana Mirjam / 1975-; Hofmeister, Wolfgang / 1952- 2011

Mühlen für das römische Militär : geochemische Herkunftsanalysen von Mühlsteinen aus den augusteischen Lagern Haltern, Oberaden, Anreppen und Barkhausen Gluhak, Tatjana Mirjam / 1975- 2010

Roman lava quarries in the Eifel region (Germany) : geochemical data for millstone provenance studies Gluhak, Tatjana Mirjam / 1975-; Hofmeister, Wolfgang / 1952- 2009

Geodynamic Setting of the Tertiary Hocheifel Volcanism (Germany), Part II: Geochemistry and Sr, Nd and Pb Isotopic Compositions Fekiacova, Zuzana; Mertz, Dieter F.; Renne, Paul R. 2007

Thermal and Geochemical Evolution of the Shallow Subcontinental Lithospheric Mantle Beneath the Eifel: Contraints from Mantle Xenoliths, a Review Witt-Eickschen, Gudrun 2007

Eifelvulkane im Visier der Forscher : Expertenteam geht geologischem Phänomen auf den Grund - Messung der Gasaustritte aus dem Boden haben begonnen sil 2007

Petrogenesis of tertiary mafic alkaline magmas in the Hocheifel, Germany Jung, Caroline 2006

Palaeoenvironment of the Eocene Eckfeld Maar lake (Germany) : implications from geochemical analysis of the oil shale sequence Sabel, Martin; Bechtel, Achim; Püttmann, Wilhelm; Hoernes, Stephan 2005

Diatom and geochemical evidence of mid- to late Holocene climatic changes at Lake Holzmaar, West-Eifel (Germany) Baier, Janina / 1971- 2004

Paläosalinität in den höchsten Oberen Cerithien-Schichten des Mainzer Beckens (Untermiozän) - geochemische Untersuchungen (Stabile Isotope und Spurenelemente) an Molluskenschalen Afaj, Adnan H. 2002

Geochemistry, tectonomagmatic origin and chemical correlation of altered Carboniferous-Permian fallout ash tuffs in Southwestern Germany Königer, Stephan; Lorenz, Volker / 1941- 2002

Characterisation of sedimentary organic matter by bulk and molecular geochemical proxies : an example from Oligocene maar-type Lake Enspel, Germany Lüniger, Guido; Schwark, Lorenz 2002

Mikrofazies und Geochemie der Altenglaner Kalksteine (Altenglan-Formation, Rotliegend, Saar-Nahe-Becken, SW-Deutschland) Stapf, Karl R. G. / 1937-2007 2001

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