88 Treffer
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Untersuchungen zur Ökotoxikologie schwermetall-belasteter Bergwerkshalden im Bereich der Grube Silbersand bei Mayen (Deutschland / Rheinland-Pfalz)
Grimm, Matthias C.; Tweraser, Enikö |
2023 |
Response of grassland vegetation composition to different fertilizer treatments recorded over ten years following 64 years of fertilizer applications in the Rengen Grassland Experiment
Titera, Jan; Pavlu, Vilém; Pavlu, Lenka |
2020 |
Böden in Waldgebieten der Stadt Braubach in Anbetracht räumlicher Verteilungsmuster von Schwermetallen und Arsen
Hahn, Jens; Hannappel, Pauline; Bui Thanh; Zitzer, Nina; Laufenberg, Gabriela; Kimmel, Marcel |
2018 |
The effect of catchment soils on heavy metal concentrations in a brook situated in the historic mining region of Braubach, Germany
Hahn, Jens; Zitzer, Nina; Laufenberg, Gabriela |
2018 |
Natur um Gimmeldingen
Himmler, Heiko |
2016 |
Die Kalk-Silikat-Frage : warum wachsen in der Eifel auf Kalk völlig andere Pflanzenarten als auf sauren Böden?
Bothe, Hermann / 1940-2022 |
2014 |
Soil phosphorus fractions after seven decades of fertilizer application in the Rengen Grassland Experiment
Pätzold, Stefan |
2013 |
Einige Lehrsätze sind durchaus zu hinterfragen : die Bearbeitung wirkt auch auf die Bodenchemie
Armbruster, Martin; Picone, Sabrina; Wiesler, Franz |
2013 |
Indications for the existence of different magmatic reservoirs beneath the Eifel area (Germany) : a multi-isotope (C, N, He, Ne, Ar) approach
Bräuer, Karin |
2013 |
Radon - neuer Aspekt in der Bauleitplanung
Haneke, Jost / 1950-; Weidenfeller, Michael / 1960-; Rein, Bert |
2012 |
Competitive ability of Rhinanthus minor L. in relation to productivity in the Rengen Grassland Experiment
Hejcman, Michal; Schellberg, Jürgen; Pavlu, Vilém |
2011 |
Cutting frequency vs. N application : effect of a 20-year management in Lolio-Cynosuretum grassland
Pavlu, Vilém; Schellberg, Jürgen; Hejcman, Michal |
2011 |
The Rengen Grassland Experiment : relationship between soil and biomass chemical properties, amount of elements applied, and their uptake
Hejcman, Michal |
2010 |
The Rengen Grassland experiment : bryophytes biomass and element concentrations after 65 years of fertilizer application
Hejcman, Michal |
2010 |
The Rengen Grassland Experiment : effect of soil chemical properties on biomass production, plant species composition and species richness
Hejcman, Michal |
2010 |
The Rengen Grassland Experiment : soil contamination by trace elements after 65 years of Ca, N, P and K fertiliser application
Hejcman, Michal |
2009 |
Fe- und C-Dynamik von Böden im Bereich aktiver Mofetten in der Vulkaneifel : Exkursion G8
Pätzold, Stefan |
2009 |
Changes in vegetation types and Ellenberg indicator values after 65 years of fertilizer application in the Rengen Grassland Experiment, Germany
Chytr¡, Milan |
2009 |
The Rengen Grassland Experiment : plant species composition after 64 years of fertilizer application
Hejcman, Michal |
2007 |
Wirkung der Bodenschutzkalkung in versauerten Waldböden auf die Bodenmineralogie
Butz-Braun, Rüdiger; Schüler, Gebhard |
2005 |
Andosols in Germany : pedogenesis and properties
Kleber, Markus; Mikutta, Christian; Jahn, Reinhold |
2004 |
Der Einfluss des anstehenden Ausgangsgesteins (Buntsandstein) auf die Waldernährung
Butz-Braun, Rüdiger; Schüler, Gebhard |
2003 |
Quantitative analysis of soil chemical properties with diffuse reflectance spectrometry and partial least-square regression: A feasibility study
Udelhoven, Thomas; Emmerling, Christoph; Jarmer, Thomas |
2003 |
Nitrous oxide emissions from artificial urine patches applied to different N-fertilized swards and estimated annual N2O emissions for differently fertilized pastures in an upland location in Germany
Anger, Michael; Hoffmann, Christian; Kühbauch, Walter |
2003 |
Biokompostverwertung auf Rebflächen - Simulation der N-Dynamik
Nendel, Claas |
2003 |