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76 Treffer — zeige 1 bis 25:

Limnological response to the Laacher See eruption (LSE) in an annually laminated Allerφd sediment sequence from the Nahe palaeolake, northern Germany Dreibrodt, Stefan; Krüger, Sascha; Weber, Jan; Feeser, Ingo 2021

Simulation of ash clouds after a Laacher See-type eruption Niemeier, Ulrike 2021

Warum die Klimatologie Vulkane untersuchen sollte : oder vom Sinn und Unsinn bestehender Wissenschaftsdisziplinen und weshalb Forschungsergebnisse niemals endgültig sind Büntgen, Ulf / 1976- 2021

Environment and taphonomy of an intrabasinal upland flora preserved in lower Permian volcaniclastic sediments Trümper, Steffen 2021

Radionuclide wiggle matching reveals a nonsynchronous early Holocene climate oscillation in Greenland and western Europe around a grand solar minimum Mekhaldi, Florian 2020

How dry was the Younger Dryas? : evidence from a coupled [delta][hoch]2 H-[delta][hoch]18 O biomarker paleohygrometer applied to the Gemündener Maar sediments, Western Eifel, Germany Hepp, Johannes / 1988- 2019

Evaluating the link between the sulfur-rich Laacher See volcanic eruption and the Younger Dryas climate anomaly Baldini, James U. L. 2018

Varved sediment responses to early Holocene climate and environmental changes in Lake Meerfelder Maar (Germany) obtained from multivariate analyses of micro X-ray fluorescence core scanning data Martin-Puertas, Celia; Tjallingii, Rik; Bloemsma, Menno; Brauer, Achim 2017

The ELSA-Flood-Stack : a reconstruction from the laminated sediments of Eifel maar structures during the last 60 000 years Brunck, Heiko; Sirocko, Frank; Albert, J. 2016

The ELSA-Vegetation-Stack : reconstruction of Landscape Evolution Zones (LEZ) from laminated Eifel maar sediments of the last 60,000 years Sirocko, Frank; Knapp, Hannes; Dreher, Frank 2016

Late Pleistocene aeolian dust provenances and wind direction changes reconstructed by heavy mineral analysis of the sediments of the Dehner dry maar (Eifel, Germany) Römer, Wolfgang; Lehmkuhl, Frank; Sirocko, Frank 2016

Late Oligocene ambient temperatures reconstructed by stable isotope analysis of terrestrial and aquatic vertebrate fossils of Enspel, Germany Tütken, Thomas; Absolon, Julia 2015

The bivalve Glycymeris planicostalis as a high-resolution paleoclimate archive for the Rupelian (Early Oligocene) of central Europe Walliser, Eric Otto; Schöne, Bernd R.; Tütken, Thomas; Zirkel, Jessica; Grimm, Kirsten I. / 1965-; Pross, Jörg 2015

Wetterwechsel im Weinberg Mieding, Nicole 2015

D/H ratios of methoxyl groups of the sedimentary organic matter of Lake Holzmaar (Eifel, Germany) : a potential palaeoclimate/-hydrology proxy Anhäuser, Tobias 2014

A 2600-year record of past polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) deposition at Holzmaar (Eifel, Germany) Bandowe, Benjamin Acham Musa / 1976- 2014

Delayed hydrological response to Greenland cooling at the onset of the Younger Dryas in western Europe Rach, Oliver 2014

Tracking the impact of mid- to late Holocene climate change and anthropogenic activities on Lake Holzmaar using an updated Holocene chronology Prasad, Sushma; Baier, Janina / 1971- 2014

Oligozäne Saisonalität rekonstruiert aus Bivalven - Glycymeris planicostalis (Lamarck, 1819) - des Mainzer Beckens Boos, Johanna; Grimm, Kirsten I. / 1965- 2014

Auswirkungen des Klimatrends auf unseren Weinbau Wagenitz, Jürgen 2013

Evaluation of flood events in three Eifel maar sediment records during the 16th century B. C. Rothacker, Leo; Sirocko, Frank 2013

A combined pollen and d18O Sphagnum record of mid-Holocene climate variability from Dürres Maar (Eifel, Germany) Kühl, Norbert; Moschen, Robert 2012

Rheinland-Pfalz will den Regenwald retten : Partnerschaft ; Delegation besucht Ruanda ; Projekt der Universität Koblenz-Landau soll Bauern eine neue Perspektive schaffen Brück, Dietmar 2011

Palaeocladocerans as indicators of environmental, cultural and archaeological developments in Eifel maar lakes region (West Germany) during the Lateglacial and Holocene periods Kattel, Giri; Sirocko, Frank 2011

Temperature variability at Dürres Maar, Germany during the Migration Period and at High Medieval Times, inferred from stable carbon isotopes of Sphagnum cellulose Moschen, Robert 2011

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