33 Treffer — zeige 1 bis 25:

Revision der Charophyten-Flora der Süßwasserschichten und des Kalktertiärs im Mainzer Becken (Ober-Oligozän - Unter-Miozän) Schwarz, Jürgen 1985

Chemofazies der oligozänen Schwarzpelite von Enspel (Westerwald, Rheinland-Pfalz) Lüniger, Guido / 1969- 2002

Comparative anatomical-morphological and taphonomical examination of the larvae of Pelobates decheni TROSCHEL (1861) and Eopelobates anthracinus PARKER (1929) (Anura:Pelobatidae) found at the Upper Oligocene sites at Enspel (Westerwald/Germany) and Rott (Siebengebirge/Germany) Maus, Michael; 036-990927b 2002

Einsatzmöglichkeiten des Dental-Pulverstrahlers EMS-Airflow S1 in der Präparation Drobek, Mario; Poschmann, Markus; Maus, Michael 2003

Eine palynologische Analyse der Bohrung Enspel : Rekonstruktion der Vegetations- und Klimageschichte im Oberoligozän ; erste Ergebnisse Herrmann, Mark 2003

Age model for the late Oligocene Kärlich Blauton of the Neuwied Basin, Germany Hofmann, Peter 2003

The ontogenetic development of Pelobates cf. decheni tadpoles from the Upper Oligocene of Enspel (Westerwald/Germany) Maus, Michael; 036-990927b 2004

Geochemical cycles recorded in Late Oliogocene lake sediments of the Kärlicher Blauton (Neuwied Basin, Germany) : a response to climate? Hofmann, Peter; Urbat, Michael; Hensel, Andreas 2005

Köcherfliegen-Larvengehäuse (Trichoptera: Integripalpia) aus der Enspel-Formation (Oberoligozän) des Westerwaldes Poschmann, Markus 2006

A Loon leg (Aves, Gaviidae) with crocodilian tooth from the Late Oligocene of Germany Mayr, Gerald; Poschmann, Markus 2009

First finding of fish in the diet of a water-dwelling extinct frog Palaeobatrachus from Upper Oligocene Fossil-Lagerstätte Enspel (Westerwald Mountains, Western Germany) | [Sonderdr.] 036-990927b; Poschmann, Markus 2010

Fossil-Lagerstätte Enspel : a short review of current knowledge, the fossil association, and a bibliography | [Sonderdr.] Poschmann, Markus; Schindler, Thomas; Uhl, Dieter 2010

Geology and limnology of the Enspel Formation (Chattian, Oligocene; Westerwald, Germany) Schindler, Thomas; 036-990927b 2010

Fossil insects from the Late Oligocene Enspel Lagerstätte and their palaeobiogeographic and palaeoclimatic significance Wedmann, Sonja; Poschmann, Markus; Hörnschemeyer, Thomas 2010

Eine Bachschildkröte (Testudines: Geoemydidae) aus dem Oberoligozän von Enspel (Westerwald, Rheinland-Pfalz) Karl, Hans-Volker; Wettlaufer, Michaela 2011

Revision der Flora aus den oberoligozänen Seeablagerungen von Orsberg bei Unkel am Rhein (Rheinland-Pfalz, Deutschland) Winterscheid, Heinrich; Kvacek, Zlatko 2014

Paläobotanische Problematika aus dem Oberoligozän von Enspel (Westerwald, Rheinland-Pfalz, W-Deutschland) Uhl, Dieter 2014

A revised sedimentological model for the late Oligocene crater lake Enspel (Enspel Formation, Westerwald Mountains, Germany) Schindler, Thomas; 036-990927b 2015

Late Oligocene ambient temperatures reconstructed by stable isotope analysis of terrestrial and aquatic vertebrate fossils of Enspel, Germany Tütken, Thomas; Absolon, Julia 2015

Bacteria or melanosomes? : a geochemical analysis of micro-bodies on a tadpole from the Oligocene Enspel Formation of Germany Barden, Holly E. 2015

The salamandrid "Chelotriton paradoxus" from Enspel and Randeck Maars (Oligocene - Miocene, Germany) Schoch, Rainer R.; Poschmann, Markus; Kupfer, Alexander 2015

Avian pellets from the late Oligocene of Enspel, Germany : ecological interactions in deep time Smith, Krister T.; 036-990927b 2015

Preliminary note on fossil flowers and inflorescences from the late Oligocene of Enspel (Westerwald, W-Germany) Uhl, Dieter 2015

A new skeleton of the late Oligocene "Enspel cormorant" : from "Oligocorax" to "Borvocarbo" , and back again Mayr, Gerald 2015

Wälder wie in Ostasien - der Westerwald vor 25 Millionen Jahren Uhl, Dieter 2015

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