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TitelLists of Germans from the Palatinate who came to England in 1709
Verantwortlich[by John Tribbeko and George Ruperti]
Autor/in Tribekko, John | Ruperti, George
Publikationstyp Aufsatz
Erschienen 1978
AnmerkungenAus: The New York genealogical and biographical record. - Vol. XL and XLI (1909, 1910)
QuelleImmigrants to the middle colonies ; a consolidation of ship passenger lists and associated data from the New York genealogical and Biographical Record 1879 - 1970 / ed. by Michael Tepper ; Reprint with a new introd. and indexes. - Baltimore, 1978. - ISBN 0-8063-0792-7. - Seite 84-127
Raumsystematik Pfalz |
Sachsystematik Auswanderung |
Schlagwörter Pfalz | Auswanderung | England | Geschichte 1709