Titel | Into the blue : Wine and lavender - these two words lead to one thought: southern France! But your thoughts don't even have to wander as far as to the Provence region. Anne and Matthias Gaul have brought the southern French combination to Germany's Palatinate region ... |
Verantwortlich | Sarah Weik. Sebastian Weindel |
Illustrator/in | Weindel, Sebastian |
Verfasser/in | Weik, Sarah |
Publikationstyp | Aufsatz |
Erschienen |
Umfang | Online-Ressource |
Quelle | In: Where else : stories from the Rhine-Neckar Region. - (2022), |
Raumsystematik |
Asselheim (Ortsbezirk)
Sachsystematik |
| Ackerbau | |
Schlagwörter |
Weingut Matthias Gaul
Grünstadt-Asselheim | Lavendelanbau | Online-Ressource | |
Volltext | https://wosonst.eu/en/into-the-blue/ |
Link | wosonst.eu |