85 Treffer — zeige 26 bis 50:

Comparison of modeled and reconstructed changes in forest cover through the past 8000 years : Eurasian perspective Kleinen, Thomas 2011

Temperature variability at Dürres Maar, Germany during the Migration Period and at High Medieval Times, inferred from stable carbon isotopes of Sphagnum cellulose Moschen, Robert 2011

The reconstruction of easterly wind directions for the Eifel region (Central Europe) during the period 40.3-12.9 ka BP Dietrich, Stephan; Seelos, Klemens 2010

A multiproxy record of late Holocene natural and anthropogenic environmental change from the Sphagnum peat bog Dürres Maar, Germany : implications for quantitative climate reconstructions based on pollen Kühl, Norbert 2010

A continuous high-resolution dust record for the reconstruction of wind systems in central Europe (Eifel, Western Germany) over the past 133 ka Seelos, Klemens; Sirocko, Frank; Dietrich, Stephan 2010

Laminated Eocene maar-lake sediments from Eckfeld (Eifel region, Germany) and their short-term periodicities Mingram, Jens 2010

Eckfeld Maar (Middle Eocene, Tertiary High Eifel volcanic field, Germany) : results and perspectives Lutz, Herbert; Kaulfuß, Uwe 2010

A new windstorm proxy from lake sediments : a comparison of geological and meteorological data from western Germany for the period 1965-2001 Pfahl, Stephan 2009

Limnologie der Maarseen und typische Sedimente Seelos, Klemens; Sirocko, Frank 2009

Controls on the seasonal and interannual dynamics of organic matter stable carbon isotopes in mesotrophic Lake Holzmaar, Germany Moschen, Robert; Lücke, Andreas; Parplies, Jörn; Schleser, Gerhard H. 2009

Datierung der Sedimente Sirocko, Frank 2009

Vegetation and climate history in the Westeifel Volcanic Field (Germany) during the past 11 000 years based on annually laminated lacustrine maar sediments Litt, Thomas 2009

Korngrößenanalyse und Sedimentgeochemie als Grundlage der Klima- und Wetterrekonstruktion Dietrich, Stephan; Sirocko, Frank 2009

Bohrungen und Untersuchungsgebiete Sirocko, Frank 2009

Stable carbon and oxygen isotopes in sub-fossil Sphagnum : assessment of their applicability for palaeoclimatology Moschen, Robert 2009

The lacustrine sediment record of Oberwinkler Maar (Eifel, Germany) : chironomid and macro-remain-based inferences of environmental changes during Oxygen Isotope Stage 3 Engels, Stefan 2008

A new Holsteinian pollen record from the dry maar at Döttingen (Eifel) Diehl, Markus; Sirocko, Frank 2007

Holocene and Eemian varve types of Eifel maar lake sediments Rein, Bert; Jäger, Knut; Kocot, Yvonne; Grimm, Kirsten I. / 1965-; Sirocko, Frank 2007

Rapid climate change during the early Holocene in western Europe and Greenland Prasad, Sushma 2006

Umweltgeschichte der Vulkaneifel : Maarvulkanismus, Klimageschichte und zunehmender Einfluss des Menschen auf die Umwelt, abgeleitet aus jungquartären Seesedimenten der Westeifel bei Daun und Manderscheid Zolitschka, Bernd 2005

RADIUS - rapid particle analysis of digital images by ultra-high-resolution scanning of thin sections Seelos, Klemens; Sirocko, Frank 2005

Palaeoenvironment of the Eocene Eckfeld Maar lake (Germany) : implications from geochemical analysis of the oil shale sequence Sabel, Martin; Bechtel, Achim; Püttmann, Wilhelm; Hoernes, Stephan 2005

A climatic archive with hide and hair : Over 35 million years ago, the global climate exhibited characteristics of the popularly awaited "greenhouse climate" : The sediments of the Eckfeld Maar in the Eifel are yielding numerous witnesses to that period Lutz, Herbert; Neuffer, Franz Otto 2004

Biogeochemical and micro-facial fingerprints of ecosystem response to rapid Late Glacial climatic changes in varved sediments of Meerfelder Maar (Germany) Lücke, Andreas; Brauer, Achim 2004

Late Quaternary environmental and climatic changes in central Europe as inferred from the composition of organic matter in annually laminated maar lake sediments Fuhrmann, Andreas; Fischer, Thomas; Lücke, Andreas 2004

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