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1088 Treffer in Sachgebiete > Stratigraphie — zeige 61 bis 85:

Mainzer Becken : Stratigraphie, Paläontologie, Exkursionen | 2., völlig neu bearb. Aufl. Schäfer, Peter / 1951- 2012

Rotliegend in Eifel und West-Hunsrück Stets, Johannes / 1932-2015 2012

The Antiquity of the Rhine River: Stratigraphic Coverage of the Dinotheriensande (Eppelsheim Formation) of the Mainz Basin (Germany) Böhme, Madelaine 2012

A combined pollen and d18O Sphagnum record of mid-Holocene climate variability from Dürres Maar (Eifel, Germany) Kühl, Norbert; Moschen, Robert 2012

Lithostratigraphische Korrelation des Rotliegend im östlichen Saar-Nahe-Becken Becker, Arnfried / 1954-; Schwarz, Michael; Schäfer, Andreas 2012

Rotliegend im Saar-Nahe-Becken, am Taunus-Südrand und im nördlichen Oberrheingraben Boy, Jürgen A. / 1938- 2012

Rhine loess at Schwalbenberg II - MIS 4 and 3 Schirmer, Wolfgang 2012

Die Pechelbronn-Gruppe in Bad Kreuznach (Eozän-Oligozän; Mainzer Becken, Südwest-Deutschland) Schindler, Thomas 2011

Regionale Biostratigraphie Grimm, Kirsten I. / 1965- 2011

Palaeocladocerans as indicators of environmental, cultural and archaeological developments in Eifel maar lakes region (West Germany) during the Lateglacial and Holocene periods Kattel, Giri; Sirocko, Frank 2011

Luminescence chronology of the Schwalbenberg II Loess in the Middle Rhine Valley Frechen, Manfred; Schirmer, Wolfgang 2011

The potential of dust detection by means of µXRF scanning in Eifel maar lake sediments Dietrich, Stephan; Sirocko, Frank 2011

IRSL signals from maar lake sediments stimulated at various temperatures Schmidt, Esther Dorothe / 1979- 2011

Comparison of modeled and reconstructed changes in forest cover through the past 8000 years : Eurasian perspective Kleinen, Thomas 2011

The reconstruction of easterly wind directions for the Eifel region (Central Europe) during the period 40.3-12.9 ka BP Dietrich, Stephan; Seelos, Klemens 2010

Laminated Eocene maar-lake sediments from Eckfeld (Eifel region, Germany) and their short-term periodicities Mingram, Jens 2010

A multiproxy record of late Holocene natural and anthropogenic environmental change from the Sphagnum peat bog Dürres Maar, Germany : implications for quantitative climate reconstructions based on pollen Kühl, Norbert 2010

A continuous high-resolution dust record for the reconstruction of wind systems in central Europe (Eifel, Western Germany) over the past 133 ka Seelos, Klemens; Sirocko, Frank; Dietrich, Stephan 2010

Eckfeld Maar (Middle Eocene, Tertiary High Eifel volcanic field, Germany) : results and perspectives Lutz, Herbert; Kaulfuß, Uwe 2010

Vom Urzeit-Meer geformt : Erdaltertum : Fundstücke im Eckelsheimer Brandungskliff bieten Stoff für ganzes Buch Riechert, Andreas 2009

Faszinierender Abstecher : Erdgeschichte : Steilwand in Weinheim "erzählt" Geschichten aus der Eiszeit Riechert, Andreas 2009

A new windstorm proxy from lake sediments : a comparison of geological and meteorological data from western Germany for the period 1965-2001 Pfahl, Stephan 2009

Limnologie der Maarseen und typische Sedimente Seelos, Klemens; Sirocko, Frank 2009

The reconstruction of paleo wind directions for the Eifel region (Central Europe) during the period 40.3-12.9 kaBP Dietrich, Stephan; Seelos, Klemens 2009

Wo sich einst die Wellen kräuselten : "In der Heerkretz" : Wonsheimer Steinbruch gibt Aufschlüsse über vergangene Erdzeitalter Riechert, Andreas 2009

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