Deep crustal structure of the Rhine Graben from dekorp-ecors seismic reflection data : a summary
Brun, Jean-Pierre; Gutscher, Marc-André |
1992 |
Laminated veins and hydrothermal breccia as markers of low-angle faulting, Rhenish Massif, Germany
De Roo, Jacob A.; Weber, Klaus / 1936-2010 |
1992 |
Results of the DEKORP 1 (BELCORP-DEKORP) deep seismic reflection studies in the western part of the Rhenish Massif
Anderle, Hans-Jürgen / 1939-2012; Bittner, Ralf Marius / 1955-; Bortfeld, Reinhard |
1991 |
Geological interpretation of DEKORP deep seismic reflection profiles 1C and 9N across the Variscan Saar-Nahe Basin, southwest Germany
Korsch, Russell J.; Schäfer, Andreas |
1991 |
Neotectonics and geomorphology in the Rhenish Massif and the Hessian Basin
Semmel, Arno |
1991 |
Crustal kinematics and deep structure of the Northern Rhine Graben, Germany
Meier, Lars; Eisbacher, Gerhard H. / 1935- |
1991 |
Results of deep-Seismic reflection investigations in the Rhenish Massif
DEKORP Research Group |
1990 |
Wide-angle vibroseis data from the western Rhenish Massif
Flueh, Ernst R. / 1953-; Klaeschen, Dirk; Meißner, Rolf / 1925-2014; DEKORP Research Group |
1990 |
Hydraulische Untersuchungen an Deckschichten bei Bad Kreuznach als Grundlage für eine Grundwasser-Gefährdungskarte
Fürst, Manfred |
1990 |
Tektonische Abläufe im nördlichen Mainzer Becken am Beispiel des Blattes 6015 Mainz
Sonne, Volker |
1988 |
CO2-Emissionen als Indikatoren tektonischer und vulkanotektonischer Störungen in der Osteifel
Langer, Mark A. |
1988 |
Zur Tektonik des westlichen Rheingrabenrandes zwischen Nierstein am Rhein und Wissembourg <Elsaß>
Stapf, Karl R. G. / 1937-2007 |
1988 |
Aspects of the reconstruction of the stress history of a fold and thrust belt (Rhenish Massif, Federal Republic of Germany)
Oncken, Onno |
1988 |
Zur Stratigraphie des höheren Rotliegend im Saar-Nahe-Becken (Unter-Perm; SW-Deutschland) und seiner Korrelation mit anderen Gebieten
Boy, Jürgen A. / 1938-; Fichter, Jürgen |
1988 |
The evolution of the South Hunsrück and Taunus Borderzone
Anderle, Hans-Jürgen / 1939-2012 |
1987 |
Compression and right-lateral strike-slip movement at the southern Hunsrück borderfault (Southwest Germany)
Schwab, Klaus |
1987 |
Der Taunusquarzit (Unterdevon) auf Blatt 6013 Bingen-Rüdesheim
Fahlbusch, Klaus; Sellner, Rolf |
1985 |
Regional tectonic setting and geological structure of the Rhenish Massif
Murawski, Hans |
1983 |
Distribution and dimension of young tectonics in the Neuwied Basin and the lower middle Rhine
Bibus, Erhard |
1983 |
The Rhine valley between the Neuwied Basin and the lower Rhenish embayment
Brunnacker, Karl / 1921-2000; Boenigk, Wolfgang |
1983 |
The early pleistocene terraces of the upper middle Rhine and its southern foreland - questions concerning their tectonic interpretation
Semmel, Arno |
1983 |
The tectonic position of the lower Mosel block in relation to the tertiary and old pleistocene sediments
Bibus, Erhard |
1983 |
Neotectonic movements at the southern and western boundary of the Hunsrück mountains (southwestern part of the Rhenish Massif)
Zöller, Ludwig / 1953- |
1983 |
The Quaternary Eifel Volcanic Fields
Schmincke, Hans-Ulrich / 1937-; Lorenz, Volker / 1941-; Seck, Hans Adolf |
1983 |
Cenozoic deposits of the Eifel-Hunsrück area along the Mosel river and their tectonic implications
Negendank, Jörg F. W. / 1938- |
1983 |