15 Treffer — zeige 1 bis 15:

Response of grassland vegetation composition to different fertilizer treatments recorded over ten years following 64 years of fertilizer applications in the Rengen Grassland Experiment Titera, Jan; Pavlu, Vilém; Pavlu, Lenka 2020

Und dann wird's laut : Heavy Metal in der Eifel Koch, Angelika / 1959- 2020

Flugzeugabsturz bei Rengen : Neunkirchen - Angriff um Mitternacht Mayer, Alois / 1942- 2014

Soil phosphorus fractions after seven decades of fertilizer application in the Rengen Grassland Experiment Pätzold, Stefan 2013

Competitive ability of Rhinanthus minor L. in relation to productivity in the Rengen Grassland Experiment Hejcman, Michal; Schellberg, Jürgen; Pavlu, Vilém 2011

Cutting frequency vs. N application : effect of a 20-year management in Lolio-Cynosuretum grassland Pavlu, Vilém; Schellberg, Jürgen; Hejcman, Michal 2011

The Rengen Grassland Experiment : relationship between soil and biomass chemical properties, amount of elements applied, and their uptake Hejcman, Michal 2010

Dactylorhiza maculata, Platanthera bifolia and Listera ovata survive N application under P limitation Hejcman, Michal; Schellberg, Jürgen; Pavlu, Vilém 2010

The Rengen Grassland experiment : bryophytes biomass and element concentrations after 65 years of fertilizer application Hejcman, Michal 2010

The Rengen Grassland Experiment : effect of soil chemical properties on biomass production, plant species composition and species richness Hejcman, Michal 2010

The Rengen Grassland Experiment : soil contamination by trace elements after 65 years of Ca, N, P and K fertiliser application Hejcman, Michal 2009

Changes in vegetation types and Ellenberg indicator values after 65 years of fertilizer application in the Rengen Grassland Experiment, Germany Chytr¡, Milan 2009

The Rengen Grassland Experiment : plant species composition after 64 years of fertilizer application Hejcman, Michal 2007

Nitrous oxide emissions from artificial urine patches applied to different N-fertilized swards and estimated annual N2O emissions for differently fertilized pastures in an upland location in Germany Anger, Michael; Hoffmann, Christian; Kühbauch, Walter 2003

Long-term effects of fertilizer on soil nutrient concentration, yield, forage quality and floristic composition of a hay meadow in the Eifel mountains, Germany Schellberg, Jürgen 1999

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