Palaeoenvironment of the Eocene Eckfeld Maar lake (Germany) : implications from geochemical analysis of the oil shale sequence | Sabel, Martin; Bechtel, Achim; Püttmann, Wilhelm; Hoernes, Stephan | 2005 | |
"Ölschiefer" der besonderen Art: Die Süßwasserkarbonate der Grube Stößchen | Felder, Marita; Gaupp, Reinhard; 036-990927b | 2004 | |
Sedimentologie und Zyklizität laminierter eozäner Ölschiefer von Eckfeld/Eifel | Mingram, Jens | 1994 | |
Stable isotope composition of siderite as an indicator of the paleoenvironmental history of oil shale lakes | Bahrig, Björn | 1989 |