5 Treffer — zeige 1 bis 5:

Elf Jahre Wirtschaft unter feindlicher Besatzung : die Schwierigkeiten und Nöte während der Besatzung 1929

Die Befreiungsfeier am "Deutschen Eck" : wuchtige Kundgebung der befreiten Bevölkerung : die ganze Stadt in Begeisterung entflammt 1929

Tartarin am Rhein Wolff, Max Josef / 1868-1941 1921

A new map of the Netherlands : also of that part of Germany westward of the rhine as ceded to the French and divided into their several departments From the latest authorities | [ca. 1:2 300 000] Cary, John 1804

A new map of the Netherlands [Elektronische Ressource] : also of that part of Germany westward of the rhine as ceded to the French and divided into their several departments From the latest authorities | [ca. 1:2 300 000] Cary, John / 1755-1835; Cary, John 1804

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